My very first standalone character project from 2022 with the aim of expanding my knowledge of 3D modelling

Lady Anais is an fictional character
She is the youngest daughter of a noble family
At a young age, little Anais observed the monks in the tranquil hamlet of Waldhall during their training.
She is the youngest daughter of a noble family
At a young age, little Anais observed the monks in the tranquil hamlet of Waldhall during their training.
At that moment it happened to her. She wants to train with the monks and become a master of martial arts. She wraps the red ribbons around her wrists and ankles to get a better grip while fighting. She uses these as bandages.


STEP 2 : Basemesh _Rigging_skinning

a Daz3d Basemesh was used and then modified

cloth was made with Marvelous Designer. I rigged and skinned the 3D Model with 3DsMax-CatRig then exported it with the animation into MD. This made it easier for me to give the outfit a natural look.
STEP 3 : Texturing

The 3D model was textured with Substance Painter, for the base I used a face texture from TexturesXYZ.
The facial features and details were painted onto the mesh with Z-Brush and Mudbox.
With the help of Mudbox i used an XYZ Texture to project the displacement-channel onto the mesh. I divided that displacement map with Photoshop into 3 seperate channels ( mini, midi and microd-displacement). This maps were then imported into Z-Brush and combined onto the face to get an realistic look.

Substance Designer, Photoshop and Mudbox

Mini, Midi and Micro-displacement-channel